Tuesday, October 5, 2010


By Therese Benedict

We tend to think that just because we have freewill that we can be whom we want to be, instead of being who we are meant to be. This is a wrong way to think about whom we are and what is the reason of why we are here. God has created us with him within us, and what we do is change that. We forget who has created us and who lies within our soul.

We think that it is our decision of whom we become and not who we are, which has already been created. We feel the good in our souls; however, we do not live what lives in our true self. God understands that it takes strength to live of life of right and love because it is so easy to live the wrong. It seems that we think that living a life of wrong is more fun and living a life of right is boring. This is not true at all and never will be; living a life of right is the best feeling in the world. To have fun of being who you are and to remember those fun times because you were not in a condition of not remembering what happened. Living a life of right does not mean you do not have fun in life, it means you have fun without hurting others and over doing pleasures of life. That is all, but yet we think if we have to be a good boy or girl that there is no life fun involved. 

When there is times in our lives that we need a hand to hold, we walk around thinking that there is no hand to hold. Do you know why we feel this way? It is because there is so little hope of someone truly understanding what we are going through because there is so much judgment in this life that we are afraid to speak. To not wanting to hear the negative responses we hear and pray for positive.

We think that it is always the other person’s fault of why things are not happy and refuse to think that we have a part in it. What needs to be done is to think of our part and turn that part around to good. To see our own faults’ that belong to us and not keep thinking, “Well if they stop doing that, then I will stop.” No one is perfect. I hear it all the time, “It is their fault, I am not doing anything to make this relationship bad it is all his/her fault,” and then they do nothing to help. Or I hear, “Well I didn’t do that to them and I am not going to fix them,” this is where it is hard not to get angry.

We all have issues from our past that have affected our lives, and to hear that comment in a relationship is very unnerving. No one asked them to fix them, the question is, “Are you going to help them get through it?” To have understanding of why that pain is there in the first place and to listen to the person of why it lies in their soul. So they can understand when they do something in a similar nature, they know why the other person gets so upset.

I’ve even gotten the blame from someone who’s made this comment, “I didn’t do that to him and I am not going to fix him,” when it wasn’t even me who caused the pain in his heart and I was told it was my fault. When in reality I was the one who stood up for him and did something so that it would be taken out of his life. People just don’t understand what is truly involved in a loving relationship; they just expect others to get over it because they won’t put up with it. But yet, expects the other person to put up with the negative attitude of no understanding and no compassion.

I have heard this and with the view of seeing the other person making those comments and them not seeing what they need to change themselves – to the point that I cannot say anything to this person because they are thinking they don’t do anything wrong. This is what makes a part of this life so sad. To see the people around you that do not want to see their wrongs but have no problems seeing others’ wrongs.

In a relationship we should be all we are and give all we have to the ones we love. But yet, to others they only give what they want to give, thinking that is enough. To wait for the other person to stop before we stop. Doing this in this manner, will never make a relationship work it will only create more hard times ahead. Be all of who you are and give everything you have, even if you are not sure of what everything is. This is where we can learn so much more about ourselves and others.

Learn about yourself and of whom you know that lays dormant inside your soul and act on it. Yes, you will stumble and fall, but those stumbles and falls mean everything to growth. To learn of our wrongs and what we need from others, which in return helps you help others. It can be a beautiful experience, only if you let it be beautiful and not hateful in your learning.

Giving up is the easy way, but when we wish for our dreams, it takes important steps and learning to get to our dreams. We just can’t wait for our dreams to fall from the sky, we have to reach for the sky to touch our dreams that we work so hard to get. When you work hard to get your dreams, you feel amazement once you reach your true desire and knowing that dreams do come true with hard work and a true hearts desire.

Dreams come true for those who have deserved them and not just waiting for them to come their way. You have to do the right things to get what you are reaching out for and not expect them to be brought to you from someone else. Don’t wait for someone else to bring you your dreams, go out and fight for your dreams knowing that it will take time but with success in the end.

Be who you are meant to be and give everything to living of that person you know that lies inside you that is good to you and to others. Love yourself and give that love to others, so they may learn that they can do the same as well. To have people look at you with admiration and the desire to be good like you and to want to give them the love you desire back. When you show others the love you want by giving it to them, they learn how to love and to give that love back with love in their hearts. This takes time but it works. It may not work with all, so you can’t give up on the ones who will take your love and not return it back to you. Don’t judge them, just help them to understand.

There are reasons why people are so afraid to open that door to taking the risk of loving. Rejection and hurt are usually the cause of them fighting to open that door. But when they see that the door is safe to open, they begin to open that door and peak inside. To let them feel the love little-by-little and to take that risk of loving and to want to give everything even with the risk of hurt involved. Being all of you helps others, even when you don’t see it. Don’t watch with judgment to see if they are getting it and do not give up so they see it. To do this with understanding and commitment and to never give up on your loved ones or your relationship unless you know that the relationship is not meant for you.

Trust in you and trust in them, knowing that time will heal them and to stand by your loved one’s without thinking your fixing someone else’s mistake. You need to take someone else’s pain and to let them know that you will not give them the same pain. And to know that there are reasons for anger and fear and not think just because they have past pain that you do not cause them pain yourself.

Be all of you, so others may be all of them. They will only love you all the more for the gift you have given them. This is what bonds relationships together with love and trust, knowing that you will get through everything together and grow stronger with love which will last a life time.

Question & Answer Forum:

Q: What if you truly want to move on and live a life of right and eventually live a life where your friends and families can look upon your life with admiration and happiness, but those thoughts are thwarted by addictive behaviors?

Wayne C.
Tempe, Arizona

A: When you live a life of right, your family and friends will look upon you with admiration. It will also make them think that they want to do the same as you because they see your happiness. It may even help them to see their addictive behaviors and want to actually do something about it and face it because they are unhappy with their own actions and the outcomes. However, it is by your words that help them see clearer and help them to see that happiness does come from changing themselves. Moreover, you showed them that it is possible because you have done it and they see the beautiful results.

Q: I want to learn more about myself and others... As I mature and have had accumulated some experiences in life, How can I again learn to give my all and be all I can be in new or current relationship(s) and situations?

Girard D.
Phoenix, Arizona

A: When you learn more about you, is when you see more in others. It might not make sense now, but it will. You have to give all to yourself, so you can give all to others. However, you need to give time to just yourself so you can give you your all and to change issues with yourself and the things you want to change in your life. This is the first step before you can give it to others, including relationships, family, friends and situations. When you take action in making changes in your life, is when your life changes. When you take charge of who you are, is when you become the person you know lies inside your soul, by standing up for yourself in respectful ways of disagreeing in someone’s wrong actions and to be able to state why you won’t do those wrong acts yourself. For the main reason, you don’t want to be that person of wrong anymore; you want to be the person of good that you fought so hard to achieve.

Therese Benedict
Copyright © 2010, by Therese Benedict

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


By Therese Benedict

We all want love in our lives. We all want to be loved and understood. We want people to hear our hurt, when that hurt is caused. We want each other to listen to what actions caused that hurt, so it is known and can be stopped.

What hurts us the most is when a cause is stated that it is not heard and those actions still exist. If we would hear what each other are saying and face that we hurt others, even when the intentions were not to hurt, we should accept what has been stated and say the words, “I’m sorry.” We do not want blame, we do not accept blame, and we only state how others did something to us to make us do those actions.

Listening to each other is vital, when we stop those actions of what was said so the other may heal because they know you’ve heard them. And when you hear them and stop those actions, we know we are loved because they are showing that they care. It goes both ways and it can go in all directions of relationships. It does not need to be just a partner; it can be family and friends.

Love is such a beautiful gift, when treated as such. It is when we do not cherish that love that it goes away. Then again, we carry hurt because we do not understand why we were treated that way, and why they could not listen. Life is so painful, why would we want to bring more pain and sometimes willingly? I love the love I have in my life, for the main fact, that it is the only way my family treats each other. There is no name calling or hateful acts. We have all took that love that we received and held it to our souls and loved it back. It brings us comfort, support and beauty in our lives. This family can rely on each other in times of need, in times of sadness and our happiness. We go through what we need to go through with love all around us. This is the way to live, we are happy all the time even through the hard because we know we are loved.

Love brings peace, comfort, understanding, honesty and most importantly happiness. It has changed our lives by living it right; with love. This is the gift of life, and we all throw it away like it is not a gift. Then we wonder when we are going to find it once more. If we would treat love right, love would not walk away. If we loved the love back, we would only have more to love.

When you hold love in your soul, it stays. True love comes from within, and you must find it in yourself before you can give it to others. When you live right, then you can love yourself. Know you have the love for you so you will take your freewill and change your life, as you have always wanted to do anyway.

To smile inside because we know we are good and proud of whom we have become. To look at the right when someone is standing there and give a smile and a hello. Not to look and judge and start talking about someone you do not even know. We are one family, remember?

Do not judge someone because of the way they look; wonder. If you have judgment regarding someone’s appearance, wonder and not judge. We do not like it when others judge us, so why judge them; when they feel the same way? We have so much to learn when it comes to our own actions and that is what you need to concentrate on; you.

Forgive yourself when you make a mistake and just do the right thing. If you do not know what the right thing is, think about the situation and you will know what to do. Always know that an apology comes with it. However, if you think about the situation and concentrate you will have the right words to go with the apology. An apology helps us heal, when spoken with truth and love. Love is of all a healer; however, our actions of love help us heal faster. Don’t let your loved ones suffer; protect them from hurt; instead of giving hurt. Love is everything.

Question & Answer Forum:

Q: What is the best advice to give to a new couple to ensure their love remains unconditional?
Jackie S.
Grand Junction, Colorado

A: To learn what unconditional love involves and truly is, to understand what it takes as a couple, to learn about each other knowing that happiness and hurt will be apart of the growing process. To make boundaries and stand by those boundaries; such as, when an argument arises, do not call names and belittle someone to make a point. To learn to speak with your heart and with love under any circumstances, so they may hear what you are explaining. Doing this in this manner will only make them hear and feel where you’re coming from. For both persons to learn to face their own faults and habits and change them when they know it causes hurt. Not to demand, but to ask of each other and learn to work together in everything that is involved with your relationship. By doing this, your relationship will grow stronger and you will start to make your bond to each other special.

Q: If a friend or a family member does not live according to love, respect, and right, should I do all that is in my power for them to understand and fully comprehend the severity of their actions and aid them to see the faults and help them move past it?

Wayne C.
Tempe, Arizona

A: Yes, of course. Accomplishing this can be hard; people do not want to accept what they do wrong. This is where the saying “It is the other person’s fault,” comes into action. And they are the reason for what actions they do, not thinking that they do not need to make those actions their only choice. But, by helping them see, is a beautiful experience for you and them, when they see what you are trying to say. Telling them what you see, and with truth, only makes them see what their actions are doing to their relationships and life. In speaking this truth it may not change anything because of people’s anger and freewill, but never let that stop you.

You can’t make them move past their actions, what you do is make them see their actions, so they may change their actions. Then they can move on to good instead of wrong; however, this takes a lot of redundant reminding of what their actions are causing.

Q: How can I better "Treat Love Right" and do it on a consistent basis?

Girard D.
Phoenix, Arizona

A: You can start to better your actions of love by watching what you do on a consistent basis. Do not forget throughout your day that you are watching everything you do. See what you want to change, this way it is your doing and no one else telling you; believe it or not this makes you more willing and a better chance of success. The main thing is that you do not want to be picking parts of your life to do this; you want to apply it to your whole life and not parts. In doing this you become all of you and not some of you. We all know that we carry good inside, but if we have to dig deep to see it; then you know you can do better. Believe in yourself and do it with loving you and that is how you treat love right; then you can give this to others.

Therese Benedict
Copyright © 2010, by Therese Benedict

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Your First Steps To Changing

By Therese Benedict

In this world we walk around thinking that we are good people inside, yet we do such hurtful acts. In the beginning of our change, we need to recognize what belongs to us in those hurtful acts. Face them, say hello and put the actions with being aware when we commit these acts and then work on them, so we may start the actions of stopping these hurtful doings.

Whether it is cussing, name calling, lying, rude gestures, or just plain being mean, it takes time to stop. It’s important to keep being aware of hurtful acts and stop. If you fall, you don’t say, “Well I blew it,” and continue with the wrong, you stop and keep trying. Words can damage someone’s soul. It can be damaging to their heart and their life. We tend to hold those things in our soul and are affected by it everyday of our lives.

What we do to others is important... We are one big family here on earth, and we need to treat our family with love, even if you do not know your family. Just because we do not look the same, we all came from the same father. He is sitting around us and within us watching how his children treat each other knowing that we truly know better.

Freewill is hurtful and we need to turn our freewill to good and not the opposite. We walk around in distrust and fear because of the actions we do to each other. Now why would we want to walk around like that, when life is a gift? What we do is take that gift away and give fear because of power. Power should be a beautiful feeling inside without using it to control others. We should use it to help others, to show them what true giving is supposed to be, so we have a good feeling in our soul, instead of walking away angry.

Anger is killing the love in this world and it is our job to bring it back. This can only be done by changing who we are, to whom we are meant to be and to change our wrong actions to right. It will take time, but as I always say, “Would you rather be miserable for a short time, by working hard on you or would you rather be miserable for the rest of your life?" It is our own freewill that can make this come true, to feel our own strength of doing something so much more difficult than you understand, until you do the effort. But when you feel the strength you truly have, then you will know that you can do this change. Doing something so simple seems to be the most difficult thing to accomplish because we have made being cruel a habit.

So make the choice to be all of you or to walk this life with fear and the wanting of true love. Let’s find the love on this earth again and stop running from the fear.

Question & Answer Forum:

Q: How do I learn to love myself?

Wayne C.
Tempe, Arizona

A: You need to think, “Do you care of whom you are and where you go in life?” Of course you are going to say, “Yes.” Well, that leaves one thing for you to do, love yourself enough to do something about it. Without letting anyone get in the way of your goals or dreams. This does not mean be cruel to accomplish this feat, it means express to others that this is important to you and you are the only one that can make it happen - with support from family and friends.

You alone hold the key to your soul, it is up to you to open your heart with this key; for yourself and anyone else you choose to let in. Wouldn’t you think that you’d want to at least let you in? Protect yourself and take care of you. You are the one you rely on, truly, so why do you let yourself down?

You have to give love to you first; getting it from the outside does not complete your soul due to the fact your own love is missing. So respect your love for yourself and treat it right and not leave it up to others to do what you need to do yourself.

Q: I believe some of my own fear or fears come from lack of trust and being hurt… How can I approach relationships and situations with a more open mind without being so guarded or unable to see things honestly at times?

Girard D.
Phoenix, Arizona

A: The first thing you want to do is approach your relationships and situations with an open mind; with no guard or wondering if they are going to be honest or not. Let me explain something to you: when you walk into a relationship or a situation accusing you’re already trying to find out if it is true or not. Give these situations a chance and just get to know someone and even a situation. Do not walk in with the worst thoughts, walk in with positive thoughts of a new beginning. Now if it does not work out, well, then you are teaching yourself how to overcome your fears of trust and hurt. There is always going to be some form of hurt in a new relationship, how you handle it with them is everything. Not saying anything - won’t work and how you say it is a way of how they can learn to respect one’s feelings. You can’t express true feelings with a guard up, only when guards are down are you able to express completely and not incompletely.

Therese Benedict
Copyright © 2010, by Therese Benedict

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Days Go By, Not Love - Book Signing Today

Days Go By, Not Love would like to personally invite you to join Author & Clairvoyant, Therese Benedict, at the following book signing events. Therese will be personally signing copies of the book along with providing inspirational messages for those seeking to change their life; to find the love, light and happiness that awaits them on this beautiful journey of change...

Come meet the author at the following locations:

Barnes & Noble:            2451 Patterson Road Grand Junction, CO 81505                  [2:00PM - 4:00PM]

Borders:                       2464 Highway 6 & 50 # 132, Grand Junction, CO‎ 81505        [5:00PM - 7:00PM]


Thanks, we look forward to seeing you there!


Days Go By, Not Love